Thursday, January 29, 2009

The quiet whisper of the scale.

Today marks one complete week and 3 complete work outs in my "Win to Lose" program.

I am happy to report that while I sweat like I have never sweat before, I kept up and even surpassed some of the personal goals I was holding for myself!

As you may recall, the first day we were instructed to run 3 laps around the track. I barely made it around twice. On Tuesday we were instructed to run 4 laps around the track and I quietly paced myself and decided I was doing this for me, that I really wanted to make it around 4 times. And I did! Not only that but I made it around 2 additional times later in the workout while holding a 2 lb. weighted ball. How much of a rockstar am I anyway!?

I am grateful for this program and for this blog. Both enable me to work through some lifetime issues and feel confident (for the 1st time) about getting to the other side of this.

My team was asked to keep food journals and like a 4 yr. old child with their lip sticking out in the mother of all pouts, I have refused to do this. I hate food journals and I know that this is not a habit that I am going to keep, so why bother!?

Wow, that really DOES sound like a pout, doesn't it? I'm ok with that.

It bears mentioning that while I have chosen not to do the journaling I have been very mindful of the food I put in my body and the water I am drinking etc..

One of my teammates said on Tuesday that she felt her pants were a little looser and immediately thought "I better start eating!" It was a defining moment for me because I realized I have similar thoughts. The gift here is that I can pause long enough to look those thoughts over and choose whether I really want to head down that path today or not. Today, right now, I choose not to go there.

When I walked in today and on Tuesday I tip toed past the scale which I noticed is calling my name..."Hey Linda! Come on over. Step up girl. You can do it! Just this once...nobody'll know." Aaarghhh.

Here's the deal. I'm doing really well and feeling pretty good about myself. I am SO fearful of getting on the scale because the minute I see that number I may make that more important the mental weight I am dropping. Does that make sense?

Sure, I want to lose weight, I want to very badly. But nothing is ever going to change with me if I don't make a mental shift first. What is that saying? "Bring the mind and the body will follow".

I asked my trainer what she thought and she suggested weighing in once a week to keep on track and honest. It makes sense but I think I'm going to wait another week and give my body a chance to catch up with all that's going on.

In the meantime, I will ignore the seductive murmurings of the scale and shift my energy to blocking out the equally inviting pull of the potato chips!

Sigh. my work is never done!

Have a lovely day.

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